How to Create a Healthy Body Image

Western society is obsessed about body image. Media portrays unrealistic images of men and women that show them as muscular, tall and powerful. In the most unrealistic of ways, these images depict wealth, success, and beauty. Many people feel that their bodies don't look good enough or aren't worthy of the praise. You don't have to feel this way. Here are some ways you can make your body look healthy CBDInfoandShop 1. Beauty is more than the exterior. You can be beautiful but not nice. It is important to recognize that your body doesn't make you better or worse. Normal people aren't models. We don't have long legs or curves. Your body is beautiful and there is nothing wrong with it. You only have one body, so it's important to love it. Ask your friends to share what they love about you and the best aspects of you if your image is not pleasing. Focus on the positives. We all have negative aspects of ourselves. But if you focus on the positives, you'll p...